Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tips to sell a home during the holidays

Are you planning to sell a home during the holiday season? Well during the holiday time, from November through January, it is usually thought to be the worst time to sell a home. Though the thought of putting your home on the market during the winter months may hamper your spirit, the winter season does offer some benefits. Often, holiday buyers are more likely to be more serious. This can mean a quicker sale. Further, as only few homes are actively marketed, there is less fierce competition. If you are planning to sell a home during the holidays, then decide if you really need to sell. Here are some tips that will help you in your endeavor-
Decorate it, but never go overboard.
Generally, homes look great during the holidays. However, you should not overdo it on the decorations. A crowded house with too many décor items may distract buyers. If you have a dining room, stage it for a holiday dinner. Rather than religious themes, prefer general fall and winter decorations. Keep your holiday decor ethnically neutral.

Look for a trustworthy real estate agent-
As many estate agents disappear during New Year, Thanksgiving or Christmas, you can look for someone who works hard during the holidays even.  Ask your relatives, friends, family and neighbors if they can suggest a listing agent. Asking for referrals will ease your stress. So you can enjoy the season.
Hunt for motivated buyers-
Consult with your real estate agent about targeting buyers on a deadline. Track investors on tax deadlines, people relocating for jobs in your locality, military personnel, college staff and students, etc.
Be clear about a few, show times and dates-
Help your agent or broker to schedule a showing for your home. In general, agents show multiple properties in a couple of hours. If you do not allow the agent to show the house, then buyers may have another dozen choices that are vacant. You can set a show time, which will make it easy for the agent to schedule the visit. Remember, when you are putting your home for sale, do expect some inconvenience and irritations. You have to compromise with your enjoyment too.
Set a price to sell-
Anyone will be happy to have a home that's priced low for the market. Instead of making small price reductions gradually, it is advised to cut prices prior to putting a home on the market.
Exterior of your home-
It is well known that when a house is put on the market, curb appeal should be a top priority of a  homeowner. During autumn, when the trees start to lose their leaves, it becomes even more important to maintain the exterior of your home. Clean the gutters and touch up the paint. Clean up the yard and try to remove snow, ice and leaves from stairs and walkways.
Take top-notch photographs -
During the holidays, when the weather outside is appalling, homebuyers prefer to begin their house hunt without leaving their homes. They prefer to browse listings on the Internet. You can impress buyers by offering lots of high-quality and flattering photographs of your home.
Attract house hunters by creating a video tour-
During the holidays, you may get less foot traffic. However, you can take advantage of the latest technology to attract visitors. Shoot a video tour and post it on the Web. This will attract house buyers who would not drive during a snowstorm or cannot physically see your home. Home hunters will certainly love the virtual visit to your home.
All the above mentioned tips will help you in your quest to get the best deals easily in the holidays even. Think wisely and act smartly and get ready to enjoy the holidays with a good deal for your property as well.

© Global Realty & Investment Corp 

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